新闻题目 | 时间 |
《代数学基础》选材中的点滴体会 | 2016/06/17 |
压缩感知研究进展 | 2016/06/17 |
A new fractal dimension:The topological Hausdorff dimension | 2016/06/13 |
Tight Sets and m-Ovoids of Quadrics | 2016/06/13 |
再生码 | 2016/06/13 |
Topics on fractal geometry | 2016/06/13 |
Some Observation on differential characteristic searching methods and their appl | 2016/06/08 |
Provably Secure Threshold Paillier Encryption based on Hyperplane Geometry | 2016/06/08 |
On connected self-similar sets | 2016/06/08 |
Three-Weight Ternary Linear Codes from a Family of Monomials | 2016/06/01 |
马氏切换扩散过程的几乎处处渐近稳定性 | 2016/06/01 |
X-ray Image Enhancement for Security and Medical Applications | 2016/06/01 |
有限域上置换多项式的构造问题研究 | 2016/05/31 |
A practical lottery using oblivious transfer | 2016/05/31 |
多项式同构计数问题及其在多变量密码学中的应用 | 2016/05/31 |
Derived equivalences and short sequences | 2016/05/16 |
一类非饱和群系的研究 | 2016/05/16 |
准教师,你Out了吗? | 2016/05/16 |
A reproducing kernel Hilbert space approach for Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel integral | 2016/05/10 |
学做研究型中学教师的体会 | 2016/05/10 |